Maternity Benefits under ESIC
Maternity Benefits under ESIC Maternity Benefit is payable to an Insured Woman in the following cases subject to contributory conditions:- Confinement-payable for a period of 12 weeks (84 days) on production of Form 21 and 23. Miscarriage or Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP)-payable for 26 weeks (182 days) from the date following miscarriage-on the basis of Form 20 and 23. Sickness arising out of Pregnancy, Confinement, Premature birth-payable for a period not exceeding one month-on the basis of Forms 8, 10 and 9. In the event of the death of the Insured Woman during confinement leaving behind a child, Maternity Benefit is payable to her nominee on production of Form 24 (B). Maternity benefit rate is 100% of average daily wages. All matters relating to PF ESIC, HR & Payroll Solution, Labour Laws Consulting and its subsequent matters regarding leave policy, leave rules, HR Compliance, are also advised by PF Consultant in Ahmedabad . Labour law in Ahmedabad are also compete